Jacob Evans (on the right) is a guide for Noah’s Wilderness Adventures and has been boating on the Rogue River for 35 years.
The Interview
What is your connection to the Rogue River?
I’m a guide for Noah’s Wilderness Adventures and have been boating on the Rogue for 35 years.
What are your favorite qualities of the Rogue River?
The natural beauty, geology and topography. Wildlife and Native American history. The ability of the river to bring people together for a common goal.
Favorite spot on the Rogue?
The confluence of Mule Creek.
Can you describe the community of people who visit or work on the Rogue?
Yes. Common goal and respect for preserving it’s integrity. Strong and genuine.
Has the Rogue River changed you? How has it shaped your life?
It has influenced me to respect and honor mother nature. It provides me with an avenue to ground myself to my roots, slow down and appreciate life and all it’s complexities. It helps me be who I aspire to be.
What is the personality of the Rogue River?
Perfect combination of wild and tranquil. Absolutely unique and special.
Any examples?
You need only to raft through Blossom Bar with it’s noise and danger race down the Devil’s Staircase and come to rest near Paradise Creek and listen to the water drip off your oar to experience this character. The pool-drop nature of the Rogue allows you this opportunity countless times.
What would you tell someone who has yet to visit the Rogue?
The Rogue should be fiercely protected. It should remain untouched from the state which it is now. It is a natural wonder that can heal even the deepest of personal wounds and provides a platform which to create life changing experiences. For all who enjoy it’s beauty we need only pay one fee which is to leave it as you found it. Pack out the evidence of you being there. This simple act of awareness will strengthen relationship to nature and enhance your feeling of well-being.