Esa Morrison is a guide for Rogue River Journeys and Idaho River Journeys. She graduated from CSU Monterey Bay and grew up in Quincy, California. She is spending her off season in Bozeman, Montana and getting on the snow as much as possible.
The Interview
What is your connection to the Rogue River?
I am a river guide for Oregon River Journeys as well as a long time private boater.
How long have you been working or recreating on the Rogue?
Recreating for 15 years and working for four years.
What are your favorite qualities of the Rogue River?
The wildlife, the rock formations, and all the characters you meet floating.
Favorite spot on the Rogue?
Kelsey Creek Canyon
Is there a community of people who float the Rogue?
Yes. I think the private boaters have buddies who are able to pull off a Rogue trip most years as a tradition and/or reunion of sorts. As for the guides, it’s a fairly small river that offers a lot of us to gradually get to know each other through camp pick discussions, take out mayhem, and generally passing each other through long pools and pileups at the Rainie Falls and Blossom Bar. If you’re lucky, you get to kick back with each other at Paradise guide cabin. I think we all enjoy the low key feel the guide job on the Rogue has to offer and it makes for an easy going casual community.
Has the Rogue changed your life?
Yes, It’s what made me quit teaching and try to shoot for a longer river season. I’ve met some of my favorite people on on the Rogue, people whose life style I admired so much that I decided to reshape mine.
What is the personality of the Rogue River?
Easy going, with some fun excitement here and there.